
Top 6 Factors to Consider when Designing a Business Website

When creating a website, you have to impress your users. Therefore, seeking a reputable web design agency is essential. There are so many factors that are important if you are creating your first website or you already have one. Building a user-friendly website can be hard sometimes. The best website should load fast and also have the right color palette that’s right for your client. A professional web designer can create an optimized, strong website. A good web designer can create a website that’s ripe for conversations. The following are the essential factors to consider when building  websites for your brand or business:

1. Mobile-Friendly Design

A mobile-friendly website is useful for both user experience and engine rankings. You should look for a web design agency that can design your website to suit smaller screens since many people use tablets or smartphones. For you to know if your website is user-friendly, check it on Google’s mobile-friendly test. It’ll show you any issue you need to fix. 

2. Search Engine Optimization

It’s important to optimize your website for search engines when you are creating it from scratch. The search machine can read your website page to page while ranking it based on optimization efforts, content, activity, and visitors. An increase in visibility increases the ranking and more users will visit the website.

3. High-Quality  Hosting Provider

A hosting provider that’s more powerful ensures that your website is always up and running. It helps you handle any technical issue arising and improve loading speed. If you are starting your website from scratch, go for a basic plan until you grow your traffic. Choose a hosting company that provides a plan based on your website purpose, the content you post, and the traffic you expect. A few recommended hosting companies: KINSTA, Bluehost, Inmotionhosting and Hostico

4. Website Content

Website Content is more useful when it comes to customers. It’s a powerful communication tool between a potential consumer and a business. Internet users are picky and impatient. Your content should be customer-centric first and then inform, help, and convert. If the customer searches for something on Google using a certain keyword and your blog contains that keyword but your content isn’t what they’re looking for, they’ll leave your website. This is the reason why website content is important for attracting and retaining users.

5. Website Speed and Loading Time

Internet users expect a website to load in less than 3 seconds. To build a website that loads very fast, you require a lightweight web design, a reliable hosting provider, and optimized images. Having slow websites for business can lead to loss of customers since the users are very impatient. If the website fails to load in less than 3 seconds, they’ll leave for somewhere else never to return.

6. Layout and Visuals

A website should be designed in a way that the user can easily navigate and find everything easily. When creating different pages of your website, imagine what customers view on each page and what they’re looking for. The layout is how your website is organized, for example, CTA buttons, headers, footers, social share buttons, banners, menus, forms, and location for logos. Also having visuals like colors, logo, typography, graphics, and images will keep visitors clicking and scrolling.

7. User Experience

User experience is the most important part of a website. Search engine rankings are concerned with the time on the page, bounce rates, and click-through rates. If the visitor spends more time on your website, the higher it’ll be ranked. To meet this, create clean pages, a simple menu design, defined color palettes, fast loading menu, and easy-to-read text. It should be a seamless, simple experience where they can get what they require.


When selecting an online branding agency to design a new website or redesign your existing website, you should consider the factors mentioned earlier. Consider these crucial factors when designing a website for business to get potential consumers and to keep you growing. Ensure that your website is user-friendly, with a good design and loads fast. This will be helpful since many customers are impatient and they need a website that responds quickly and can answer their questions at first sight.

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