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6 Ways to Use Referral Marketing to Drive Traffic to Your Campaign

Referral marketing (also known as affiliate or influencer marketing) is a sales and marketing strategy where a creator encourages their backers, media partners and brand advocates to refer their network to their crowdfunding campaign in exchange for a reward when that referral leads to a pledge. 

It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your project, and will also bring some of the highest conversion rates. People that hear about your project through a referral are more likely to back it. 

Incentivizing others to help you spread the word about your crowdfunding campaign will enable you to access a much broader network than you would have otherwise. 

Here are 6 ways you can use referral marketing to drive traffic to your campaign: 

  1. Offer an Enticing Reward

    Offering your affiliates an attractive commission rate is great motivation to share your project with their network. The typical commission rate is 10-20% cashback on all successful pledges. Be sure to remain competitive while staying within your budget. 

  2. Spread the Word

    It’s important to tell people about your referral program – no one will know about it if you’re not talking about it! Here are a few ways to promote your referral program and drive traffic back to your campaign:

    • Share it on your social media
    • Add it to your company newsletter
    • Post a backer update
    • Add a Kickbooster banner to your campaign 
    • Invite your friends, family, and past customers to join
    • Invite your backers in your post-pledge thank you email
    • Post about your referral program recularily – potential affiliates may have missed your initial invitation.
  3. Reach out to Content Creators and Media Outlets

    Collaborating with content creators and media outlets is a tried-and-true marketing strategy to get your campaign in the spotlight, it’s often used by successful project creators to drive more traffic to their campaign page.

    Start by compiling a list of appropriate blogs, influencers, publications, and other media outlets that cover topics related to your industry or appeal to an audience similar to yours. 

    Once you’ve compiled a list, it’s time to start reaching out. Provide them with a good story, a strong ask, and an enticing offer to increase your chances of capturing the media’s attention. 

  4. Invite Businesses Who Supply Complementary Products to Participate in Your Referral Program

    Invite companies that sell products that pair well with yours to join your referral program and share your project with their customers. 

    For example, if you are raising funds for an awesome photography travel bag, try approaching a company that sells cameras. The company can send an email about your campaign to their customers while getting cashback on every pledge they help you raise. 

  5. Provide Your Affiliates with Marketing Materials 

    media kit is an important, yet often overlooked, part of any successful crowdfunding campaign. Provide your affiliates with images and content they can use when promoting your campaign to keep your message consistent while saving time for your affiliates. 

    Kickbooster allows you to upload a media kit right inside your Design settings. This will be visible to your affiliates inside their Kickbooster dashboard. 

  1. Add Your Project to Kickbooster’s Marketplace

    When you create a referral campaign through Kickbooster, you’ll have the option of sharing your campaign on the Kickbooster Marketplace. Kickbooster has a growing network of affiliates that refer to the Marketplace to find new products to promote. It’s totally free for Kickbooster users to add their campaign to the Marketplace and a super easy way to drive traffic back to your Kickstarter or Indiegogo page.
Crowdfunding, kickbooster, projects, campaigns, kickstarter, indiegogo, boost sales, crowdfunding design, boost sales

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